Well you are the one
The one that lies close to me
Whispers "Hello, I miss you
Quite terribly."
I fell in love, in love
With you suddenly.
Now there's no place else I could be
But here in your arms...
Bought a new game:

Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green Xbox Game
It's pretty freaky (I know, it's meant to be that way) and it was kinda hard to control the main character's movements, views and aiming. But I guess it was kind of fun - in a sick, demented, twisted way, that is. Could barely sleep the nights after playing the game. I would post some screenshots of the game, but it's not a very good idea because there's plenty of gore and blood in the screenshots (the least gory shot I could find was a blood-covered doctor screaming). So, sorry.
From Monday to yesterday, we (me and my sister) went to our cousins' place to play and to do homework. Heh. Guess how much work I completed.
While at their place, we watched The Grudge. Of course, you've probably heard of it, so I won't post pictures here.
Watched Girl from Hell last night. It was very, very cool. It's an anime and it's on from Monday to Wednesday night at 12 a.m, I think.
And to keep you happy and interested, here are some pictures from the show:

I think it's available on Youtube, but I'm not too sure. Also watched Witch Hunter: Robin after that:

Quite a cool show too, but I think I prefer Girl from Hell.
So, quite a horror-filled week, huh?
And I guess that's about it for this post.
A ghost of you
Is all that I have left
It's all that I have left of you to hold
I wake in the night to find there's no one there but me
And nothing left of what we were at all...