Clothes, Clothes, Clothes!
Hold on
If you feel like letting go
Hold on
It gets better than you know
I just found this website:
It's sort of an online clothes shop, I think. The clothes are all so NICE! I badly want:
Striped Off-Shoulder (The Top)
Schoolgirl (The black top and skirt)
I especially want the Schoolgirl number, Japanese style is SO in! It's SOLD OUT! T_T
Anyone willing to buy them for me? :D *halo appears above head*
Other than the clothes, nothing interesting happened today, except that I watched the movie Deja Vu (on DVD) and FELL ASLEEP.
I think I'm beginning to feel more annoyed nowadays than depressed.
Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands
And we'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
And I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that
I love you tonight
Updated by Theodora on 6:08 PM