You'll be the poison, you'll be the cure.

Sports Day '10.
As usual, we arrived late.
As usual, Zhong House won.
As usual, Qin House got first in cheering.
As usual, it was boring after the first two hours.
So, guess what we did for the rest of the time?
Syamil = vampire
Yucky vanilla bread.
Rab, you look awesome. :p
Theodora loves Danil
Lala & Syamil
Do I get the nerd of the year award?
Yep. We camwhored, ate, read books (okay, just me), cheered till we nearly lost our voices, camwhored some more, listened to music, cheered some more, chatted, gossiped and camwhored again.
After Sports Day we went for lunch, then me, Radhiah, Shu Xian and Elfira headed to Jurong East stadium for basketball cheering. Me and Rad left early. Shhh. >.>
I went home, showered, changed, looked at the time and panicked, ran out of the house and hailed a cab, and spent the next 25 minutes in the cab:
1) Smsing John apologies
2) Listening to music
3) Staring out the window and mentally swearing at all the red lights and heavy traffic
4) Wondering if I could make it in time
5) Trying to work out if it would be better if I had taken the MRT
6) Controlling my heart's aching over the loss of my 22 dollars for the cab fare
7) Reaching Vivocity at LAST, at 6.55 p.m.
Rushed upstairs to meet John, we got tickets and a drink and popcorn, went to watch the movie.
Was alright. No plot, but it was interesting visually.
Had to go home after that 'cause today's a school day.
This morning, woke up extremely tired and slept on the bus on the way to school. Had an awful boring day. Slept on the bus too when I was heading home. Gah. I must be even more exhausted than I realized.
Oh well, there's still the school parent-teacher meeting tonight to look forward to. (sarcastically)
And the triathlon at Sentosa tomorrow. (nope, no sarcasm here)
Some miscellaneous shots to end off:
Syad is horrible at photographing.
Ebil apple
My name in iron fillings for Physics lesson.
Updated by Theodora on 3:05 PM