Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I used to be love drunk...oh wait. Still am.


Is just flat-out boring. Bahh.

Got here at like 5. Checked into the Maxim suite, took a bath. Had my bath interrupted due to the adults going out and leaving their card keys in the room. WTF?

Got out of the bath, nearly slipped, threw on my underwear and a big sweater and skorts and ran out with Boo to the lobby, while my heart spewed curses upon my absentminded family. Sheesh!

Got back and enjoyed the rest of my rudely-interrupted bath.

Afterwards, tried out internet. Didn't work. ARGH.

Went for dinner.

Then went with Boo to the arcade. It was so boring.

Anyway, point of this post:

I spent like the WHOLE day thinking of you. Seriously, whole day. Since when I got up from bed at 10 am till now, 1 am, you haven't left my mind for longer than three minutes, I swear. It's like a spell, an enchantment. It's so scary, the way you're hooked into it. Like it's hardwired into my brain already.

I think I'm in love. Like really seriously in love.

Uh oh.

Updated by Theodora on 12:48 AM