Happy Birthday, Elfira!
10th November - Elfira's Birthday
Happy 16th Birthday, Elfira. :)
Sorry this came late.
We've known each other for four years, but we only drew close last year. Without a doubt, you are one of the best friends I have EVER had. You're sweet, wonderful, hardworking, responsible, funny, adorable and clever. I'd throw in another couple hundred lines of adjectives, but I don't have a thesaurus handy.
We've laughed over so many things, exchanged secrets and private jokes and always share our thoughts on just about every subject there is - from celebrity gossip to friends and schoolmates and teachers and homework and stuff.
I couldn't ask for a better friend. I really, really, REALLY couldn't.
This is coming from HEARRTY to Elfira:
Happy Birthday, and we <3 you.
Updated by Theodora on 11:06 AM