Friday, September 18, 2009
The world was on fire and no one can save me but you.

Strange what desire can make foolish people do.

To H.E.A.R.R.S: Have a great weekend, guys! E & A, puhlease don't forget. :D

You know, I never realized I was stressed out about my studies until I accidentally broke a pencil in half while tapping it on the desk when working on a Chemistry problem. Gawd.

Visit this: YourSceneSucks. Crabcore and Indie Jesus are classics. Basically it's a site that sells awesome tees and puts up/makes fun of any scene-related stereotypes, complete with a sketch, music tastes and a profile.

I put my GH stickers to good use.


Yee Seng, being an idiot, as usual, in two parts:

Part 1: Playing with Fhazilah's Domo-kun pencilbox (that's out of the picture)

Part 2: Borrowing my headband to wear to conceal his fringe.

Neezham is DISGUSTING.


Told you I'd give you a picture. ;)

Irsyad wrote this on the whiteboard. God knows why.

Class photos!!!



School timetable's a total whack, nobody knows what lesson's gonna be next. Played floorball again on Thursday, 'cause we got assigned another PE lseson. Haze was terrible, ph was 64. 64!!! Got a new PE teacher too, Aaron something. Cute-ish from afar. As usual, floorball was havoc. Score was 4-4, after a lot of cursing/swearing/traitors switching teams/whacking people's legs/kicking the ball/picking up the ball and running/throwing sticks to stop the ball. In 4D's floorball, no actual floorball is played, just (as I mentioned before) a nice combination of soccer/football/badminton/golf.

Our class has also got a great reaction towards bees.

Both yesterday and today, a bee flew into our class (who knows, could be the same bugger). Sophia started screaming, and ran out of the class, followed swiftly by the group of guys (YES, GUYS) sitting around her. Kevin ran to the back of the class, and stood behind me, asking, "Is it gone? Is it gone?!"

The bee flew around, poor thing, and the rest of the boys that weren't outside cowering grabbed their spray waterbottles, broomsticks, rolled-up Teenage magazines (much to the protest of the girls) and chased after the bee, driving it to:

The corner behind the teacher's table.


The bee flew around for a bit more, causing the rest of the girls to scream and run and hide; then perhaps wanting to recover from it's busted eardrums and wet wings, it flew out of the classroom.

God, what a hullabaloo. It's just a bloody BEE.

High Score & Points Today: 666.

Thank god I don't have Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.



song chart memes

epic fail pictures

epic fail pictures


Updated by Theodora on 10:42 PM