Why I'm weird.

1. I adore rock/metal music.
2. I lie about my favorite color to almost everybody. No, really.
3. I adore horror books.
4. Ditto games.
5. Ditto movies, and gore.
6. Men who are at least 4 years older and have loads of tattys and piercings greatly appeal to me.
7. To different people, I fit different stereotypes -a geek, a loner, a prep, a goth, etc. etc.
8. The band name "Audioslave" sounds cool to me, not weird.
9. Nobody really knows who I am. No really, they don't. You think you do, but you'd be kidding yourself.
10. I fancy girls. Certain girls. THERE I'VE SAID IT.
11. I don't know if I'm kidding about 10.
12. Unnatural = beautiful. Eg. plastic surgery, dyed hair, contact lenses.
13. When I'm bored, I write poems/stories/song lyrics.
14. You don't think 13's odd? Guess what. Poems are about pain and disenchantment. Stories all end with death. Song lyrics have dark, underlying meanings.
15. I've got tiny hands and feet. This sucks, 'cause I can't hold onto things properly, and most shoes don't fit me. I've got four or five pairs of shoes I either bought from a children's shop recently, or when I was young. They still fit.
16. My personality for the day ahead depends ENTIRELY on my mood.
17. I have a habit of flapping book pages, often ripping the pages or crumpling them horribly.
18. For fact 17, the only exceptions to this rule are my horror books e.g. Clive Barker's Mr B. Gone and The Living Dead.
19. I'm stuck. Any more?
Updated by Theodora on 9:53 PM