Monday, September 14, 2009
Random tosh.

Because I'm bored as shit, here's the monthly dose of random stuff:

song chart memes
see more Funny Graphs

song chart memes
see more Funny Graphs

Poor Taylor.

But when Beyonce won her award for Best Music Video, she invited Taylor up on stage to make up for Kanye's bitch-fit. Great move, Beyonce. This is why we all love you.

Played (incredibly dirty) floorball today. I don't mean DIRTY, I mean dirty.

To put it another way. What WE played shouldn't be called floorball, 'cause it was a mixture of golf/badminton/soccer. We lost 0-1. Their goal was blocked by four.

Because THIS deserves a huge screen.

Controversy over Kurt Cobain being in GH5. People are arguing over whether it's honoring or making fun of Kurt by putting him in a "stupid game for losers who can't play real guitar". Really, go click on the vid and check out the comments for yourself.

I'm a fan of both Nirvana AND GH5, so I'm gonna say that I believe this is meant to immortalize Kurt.

Other controversy: Courtney Love claims Activision has "ruined" Kurt Cobain's image and she holds firm to her claim that she never allowed Activision to license Kurt's name and character. Activision says that they DID ask the lady, and she signed the agreement. Hmm.

Poor Kurt.

Current favorite.

Most people seem to like my new hair. If I ever bother to put up a photo, you can decide for yourself.

Updated by Theodora on 3:07 PM