Yesterday night, while I was scrolling through my list of MSN contacts, a friend of mine, Walter, logged on. On his nick was his blog address, so out of curiosity I decided to view it.
See them for yourself.
So I decided I simply MUST post about his art, and well, you're reading it. Check out the site, yeah. ;)
Yesterday, went out with Rick, Cheng, Amanda, Le-yi and Devon for a triple date at Plaza Singapura. It started off...well, shaky, at first, cause I kept coughing and got this awful headache, and everyone's talking and talking just made it worse, so I got short-tempered and irritable and probably ticked off Rick. I'm sorry. ><
After we went to McDonalds for a meal and I ate some fries, I felt better. Then Le-yi and Devon went to watch Enchanted while the rest of us went to Cathay to watch The Kingdom. Enchanted is somewhat corny and lame but lighthearted, and that's what you paid for in the first place, right? And The Kingdom was okay, not a bad show. ;)
Afterwards, met up with Le-yi and Devon again, then for about twenty minutes debated over what to have for dinner. Le-yi wanted ramen, but Rick and Cheng had already ate ramen the day before. In the end, decided NOT to have dinner, then walked around for a bit before me and Le-yi went home.
Christmas is coming, and I've only got FIFTY DOLLARS as a budget!
What can you buy with that kind of money?!
At the moment there are five people whom I want to buy presents for. For the rest of the people I know, I'll be giving them cards. *hint hint*
That's about all there is for now.
Updated by Theodora on 12:13 PM