Boredom CAN kill

"After five years during which their only communication had been through lawyers, they had begun a cautious dialogue, sometimes by letter, more often by telephone. These communications had been tentative at first, both of them afraid of mines still buried in the ruined city of their affections, but over the years they had become more regular."
It's an excerpt from the book I'm currently reading, Desperation, by Stephen King. I particularly noticed that paragraph because the line "mines still buried in the ruined city of their affections" had been underlined with pencil and had the words "beautiful sentence" written next to it.
The book is a pain to carry because it makes my (pitifully weak and small and thin) wrists ache just to hold it. But at least it shows that I READ.
Going to a barbeque this Thursday, with Rick and Le-yi and maybe (no, hopefully) Chih Peng, and some other people. I don't know why but I'm not looking forward to it, maybe because of the fact that I haven't really attended barbeques all that often so that I don't know if it'll be fun or anything. Which only goes to show how pathetic my social life is. Pfft.
Just got off the phone with Trev. No comment there. =X
I keep thinking if I should make a fuss over it. Should I? My mind says I should, but I don't feel a thing. Is that good or bad? I can't tell at all, which makes things probably worse.
Oh, forget it.
Oh yes, the baby (Yu Xuan, the adorable little baby of whose photo was put on in one of my previous posts) is teeth-ing already and is starting to bite everything he can hold onto, e.g. his musical-playing toy, our fingers, and HIS fingers. Ywouch.
Sorry sorry. Random.
Anyway. That's about all. Toodles.
The world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told...
Updated by Theodora on 7:37 PM