The Barbeque
Yesterday was FUN!
Went to Alvin's place for a barbeque. It was more fun than I had thought. But I only wish I could've stayed overnight...
Ah well, never mind.
When me and Rick went over, we bowled for a bit and played cards (I watched). Then we went to the barbeque pit and started, well, barbequing (spelling?). I didn't eat that much though, not much appetite, not sure why (although I've skipped one solid day's worth of meals the day before).
The guys brought some 5% alcoholic drinks and I tried a bottle. Tasted funny at first, but I got used to it after a few sips. Then after playing cards for a while, we (Rick and me) went for a walk to the pool and sat and talked. It was nice. :)
How time flies. I had to go home by 10! That's an ABSOLUTELY INSANE curfew! @#$%
How I wish there were more days like that, and how I absolutely wish I could've stayed out all night, or at least stay out longer. Sigh. Parents. =_=
I still don't get why he bought me shoes though. Le-yi says its due to a guilty conscience. Hmmmmmmmmmm. But thanks anyway, even though the pair IS a little big. Lol.
Updated by Theodora on 4:16 PM