
Whoa, a new year.
Doesn't it feel weird, knowing that another year has already shot by, and you're now looking ahead at a fresh 365 days of writing dates with 2010?
Anyway, update.
New's Year Eve:
Woke up at 9, slept to 9.30, woke up, slept to 10, got up, showered, checked my phone, changed. Jonathan and Rupert were already in, using their laptops. Therry came by to return Prototype and give me my presents: a basketball pump and net. Thank you. :)
She stayed for a while, we played Guitar Hero, Wii Resort Sports and MarioKart. She left around 1. :(
Cheryl came shortly before Therry left. :D
Around 3, the rest of the guys started coming: Xavier, Andre, Chen Yang, John, Alvin, Kimluk. All either played the Wii, or the Xbox, or hung out in one of the rooms chatting.
John gave me a small rock and a small cellphone-chain plush turtle.
Chen Yang gave me a Motley Crue: Greatest Hits CD.
Thanks guys! :)
Both the guys left early.
Afterwards, we went for dinner, ate a LOT, went back, played a bit of Fatal Frame, then moved to my room, where Andre taught us to play bridge. Still not very good at it. :(
Got a call from Danil at around 11:10 pm, we chatted for a bit. If only we could've talked face-to-face...
Played cards with Jonathan, Andre, Alvin and Shermyn until 12-ish, when Jonathan and Cheryl had to leave. Rats.
New Year greeting messages received before midnight: 6
New Year greeting messages received 15 minutes after midnight (network jams): 18
Continued playing cards with the rest of the boys - played Uno: Intercept and Cheat. Then Andre had to leave.
Alvin and Kimluk stayed till 2-ish, then left.
Went online, talked a while, crashed out.
2010's Resolutions:
1) Push hard to achieve a score of 12 and below for O's.
2) Regain my former confidence.
3) Stop making empty promises.
4) Stop being such a spendthrift.
5) Devote at least 5 hours a day (school hours/after-school hours/tuition hours NOT counted) to studying.
6) Be happy with what I possess - whether physical or material.
7) Stop neglecting my friends.
8) Stop wanting to go out so often.
9) Better myself as a person without resorting to "drastic means".
10) Not distract/drift, and stay completely true to my love.
To: Danil - have a great year ahead of you, sayang. June/July yeah? I'm always here for you. Always. :) <3 All the time.
Therry, Cheryl, Jonathan, John, Andre, Chen Yang, Xavier, Rupert, Kimluk and Alvin: thank you all for coming. I hope y'all enjoyed yourselves here. Happy New Year, for those who I didn't get to wish at midnight. :)
Everyone who wished me a Happy New Year, either online or through texts: Thank you all so much. I wish you all the best as well.
Happy 2010, to everybody else.
Let's see how well this year turns out.
Updated by Theodora on 5:18 PM