Skullcandy is an awesome brand.
Can't decide which pair to get.
They cost 70 bigs each, by the way.
Fire alarm in school went off yesterday. People were yelling and screaming "FIRE! FIRE!" and running around like headless chickens. Future school my ass.
Nothing else to update on, except that I'm now eating a slice of juicy watermelon. Om nom nom.
And of course, the customary...
I love you, Danil.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Can't stop listening...
I'm beginning not to feel much anymore. Scared about a lot of things.
Had a nightmare a few nights ago, I dreamt I got 32 points for my O's, and wept enough tears to flood Singapore. Woke up with a palpitating heart.
I got freaking 18 upon 30 for my English compo. Which is like my all-time-low grade. I quote Mrs Low: "Theresa, your tenses are wrong."
I looked at the paper. I'd written the topic Sorrow, in a story in present tense. Far as I'm concerned, there isn't anything wrong with it. I told her, "But I wrote it in present tense."
She took the paper, looked at it, looked at me again, and said, "Don't write in present tense. It's not allowed."
Moving on.
Friends - I know I'm not the friendliest of persons, but I never actually realized how cold I was until someone pointed it out to me - I never wave, say Hi first, or make much eye contact. And apparently, whenever I smile, my eyes remain exactly the same way as they are when I have a neutral expression. In other words - an insincere smile.
Sorry, but I never asked to be so completely transparent. And no, I'm not being snappy. It's the truth. The only reason I don't initiate salutations is because I'm afraid of the other party not reciprocating, that's all. I have nothing against you personally, I swear.
Family - I'm distancing ever so slightly from them. It's a total love-hate bond. I'll be singing their praises when they spoil me and mentally unleashing all the profanities I've ever heard of on their person if they don't. Why am I such a bitch. And no, that is not a question.
You. (You - heck, everyone else - knows who you are.) Is it me, or is there a faint lull in our relationship nowadays? There isn't much to say anymore to each other. You're busy with your flying, I'm busy with my schoolwork. Neither of us is at fault. But I do feel like we're not communicating so well nowadays. Don't misinterpret this. I love you. You know I do. Maybe I miss you so much ever since Genting, that I'm overthinking on all this shit. All I can say is, I can't wait to see you again. Just five more months...
Time to return to the safe, relaxing haven of music. Earphones: in.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Meeting tomorrow. @_@
Study playlist:
What can I say? I guess I just miss you too much, sayang.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
O Level results were released yesterday. For those who're happy with their results, congratulations. For those who aren't...well, sorry, but you just have to find other options. =/
We clustered at the far end of the right corridor overlooking the hall, and watched as the distinctions were announced. Top scorer: 9 distinctions.
Holy bejesus.
Mrs Low burst into tears afterwards when she told us about last year's 5A batch's English results. So many of them got E8. Freaking E8. You can have a record as immaculate and as impressive as a single digit score, but getting below D7 for English? Wave bye-bye to JC/Poly.
Then she turned to me, looked at me and said, "Theresa, I'm going to be frank here. Out of all of you, you're the only one who can pass."
I stared back dumbly. "Pass? I don't want a pass!"
She sighed.
I said confidently (enough), "I don't care. This time next year, you're gonna be seeing my name on that distinction list. I don't care."
Oh God, what have I gotten myself into???
Me and a few of the other classmates have come up with a backup plan - if we find we ain't coping so good with the O's by March, in April we're gonna head out to ITE for the second intake.
I put this plan to my parents. Three guesses as to what they said?
"No Theresa, you stay in your school and you do O levels. We don't want you to go ITE."
Backup plan FAILED.
To make matters worse, I'm trying desperately to "wake up", as in, achieve that die-hard-study mode. I DO study, but not fullheartedly - my mind's not on my work sometimes.
How do I wake up?!
I sure as hell don't wanna be shedding tears of disappointment in January 2011.
Major sigh.
To those who're in the same dilemma as me, I wish you all the best.
To those who aren't, lucky you.
Guess it's back to the books, Theo...
Wish me luck.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Telltale signs that I'm getting sick soon:
Grumpy and impatient even more often than usual.
I tire easily. Too easily. Can barely hold up a shopping bag for longer than ten minutes.
Beginning to withdraw. I spend a lot more time zoning out now than before. Books and games are better companions than my friends.
My appetite has dwindled so much that a single can drink leaves me bloated.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Whoa, a new year.
Doesn't it feel weird, knowing that another year has already shot by, and you're now looking ahead at a fresh 365 days of writing dates with 2010?
Anyway, update.
New's Year Eve:
Woke up at 9, slept to 9.30, woke up, slept to 10, got up, showered, checked my phone, changed. Jonathan and Rupert were already in, using their laptops. Therry came by to return Prototype and give me my presents: a basketball pump and net. Thank you. :)
She stayed for a while, we played Guitar Hero, Wii Resort Sports and MarioKart. She left around 1. :(
Cheryl came shortly before Therry left. :D
Around 3, the rest of the guys started coming: Xavier, Andre, Chen Yang, John, Alvin, Kimluk. All either played the Wii, or the Xbox, or hung out in one of the rooms chatting.
John gave me a small rock and a small cellphone-chain plush turtle.
Chen Yang gave me a Motley Crue: Greatest Hits CD.
Thanks guys! :)
Both the guys left early.
Afterwards, we went for dinner, ate a LOT, went back, played a bit of Fatal Frame, then moved to my room, where Andre taught us to play bridge. Still not very good at it. :(
Got a call from Danil at around 11:10 pm, we chatted for a bit. If only we could've talked face-to-face...
Played cards with Jonathan, Andre, Alvin and Shermyn until 12-ish, when Jonathan and Cheryl had to leave. Rats.
New Year greeting messages received before midnight: 6
New Year greeting messages received 15 minutes after midnight (network jams): 18
Continued playing cards with the rest of the boys - played Uno: Intercept and Cheat. Then Andre had to leave.
Alvin and Kimluk stayed till 2-ish, then left.
Went online, talked a while, crashed out.
2010's Resolutions:
1) Push hard to achieve a score of 12 and below for O's.
2) Regain my former confidence.
3) Stop making empty promises.
4) Stop being such a spendthrift.
5) Devote at least 5 hours a day (school hours/after-school hours/tuition hours NOT counted) to studying.
6) Be happy with what I possess - whether physical or material.
7) Stop neglecting my friends.
8) Stop wanting to go out so often.
9) Better myself as a person without resorting to "drastic means".
10) Not distract/drift, and stay completely true to my love.
To: Danil - have a great year ahead of you, sayang. June/July yeah? I'm always here for you. Always. :) <3 All the time.
Therry, Cheryl, Jonathan, John, Andre, Chen Yang, Xavier, Rupert, Kimluk and Alvin: thank you all for coming. I hope y'all enjoyed yourselves here. Happy New Year, for those who I didn't get to wish at midnight. :)
Everyone who wished me a Happy New Year, either online or through texts: Thank you all so much. I wish you all the best as well.
Happy 2010, to everybody else.
Let's see how well this year turns out.