AFI - Fainting Spells

Can't wait for the Crash Love album!
Jade put up a competition on his blog, asking readers to put up what they perceive to be the song's chorus lyrics. The REAL lyrics are not out yet.
In the comments:
Just give me something
Cut the teeth out! (Run Smith!)
Bring it to woah!-This part is wack, Davey speaks in strang ways-
When death breaks through we die alone.
- LadyJinx_DF
Just give me something
Haunt the Jesus
Brings us to
Get The Blood Out
That mine is special
Haunts the Jesus
Carrying us to
Get the blood out
That's the quick way until we die alone.
- Kylie
"Just give me something
Bring it to our
Private inspection oh
Bring it to our
Desecrate 'til we die alone"
Obviously, it's about you guys making T-shirts and Davey inspecting them for quality control purposes. One of you guys must have cut yourself and stained a few. I hear club soda is good for getting blood out.
- jAtFhIm
Just give me something![Cut the cheese out!]
Bring it to Earl![Catch the blood hound!]
Bound by this pension! (Ohohohhhh!)[Cut the cheese out!]
I need it too! (Ohh!!)[Catch the blood hound!]
Desecrate til we dye our hair!!!!
- Pinkii
Updated by Theodora on 9:54 PM


He's right!

Ohhhhh man. I hate studying. I hate Math. I hate studying Math. Two freakin' hours of Math a day is pure, utter, TORTURE.
Life's been smooth, other than that little detail. Have developed a newfound hate-love relationship with Skype and internet, gotten new clothes, found a way to keep awake during Math class, and am looking forward to the 10th of October.
When I will be free. FWEEEEEEEEEEE. Until next year!
Circled dates:
30th October - Boo's birthday.
31st October - HALLOWEEN!
10th November - Concert at RP.
14th of November - School graduation lunch. Sounds like a BIG whoopee.
16th December - Hafeezzah's birthday, HEARRTS prom.
God, can't WAIT.
Updated by Theodora on 7:41 PM

Friday, September 18, 2009
The world was on fire and no one can save me but you.
Strange what desire can make foolish people do.
To H.E.A.R.R.S: Have a great weekend, guys! E & A, puhlease don't forget. :D
You know, I never realized I was stressed out about my studies until I accidentally broke a pencil in half while tapping it on the desk when working on a Chemistry problem. Gawd.
Visit this: YourSceneSucks. Crabcore and Indie Jesus are classics. Basically it's a site that sells awesome tees and puts up/makes fun of any scene-related stereotypes, complete with a sketch, music tastes and a profile.

I put my GH stickers to good use.

Yee Seng, being an idiot, as usual, in two parts:

Part 1: Playing with Fhazilah's Domo-kun pencilbox (that's out of the picture)

Part 2: Borrowing my headband to wear to conceal his fringe.

Neezham is DISGUSTING.

Told you I'd give you a picture. ;)

Irsyad wrote this on the whiteboard. God knows why.
Class photos!!!

School timetable's a total whack, nobody knows what lesson's gonna be next. Played floorball again on Thursday, 'cause we got assigned another PE lseson. Haze was terrible, ph was 64. 64!!! Got a new PE teacher too, Aaron something. Cute-ish from afar. As usual, floorball was havoc. Score was 4-4, after a lot of cursing/swearing/traitors switching teams/whacking people's legs/kicking the ball/picking up the ball and running/throwing sticks to stop the ball. In 4D's floorball, no actual floorball is played, just (as I mentioned before) a nice combination of soccer/football/badminton/golf.
Our class has also got a great reaction towards bees.
Both yesterday and today, a bee flew into our class (who knows, could be the same bugger). Sophia started screaming, and ran out of the class, followed swiftly by the group of guys (YES, GUYS) sitting around her. Kevin ran to the back of the class, and stood behind me, asking, "Is it gone? Is it gone?!"
The bee flew around, poor thing, and the rest of the boys that weren't outside cowering grabbed their spray waterbottles, broomsticks, rolled-up Teenage magazines (much to the protest of the girls) and chased after the bee, driving it to:
The corner behind the teacher's table.
The bee flew around for a bit more, causing the rest of the girls to scream and run and hide; then perhaps wanting to recover from it's busted eardrums and wet wings, it flew out of the classroom.
God, what a hullabaloo. It's just a bloody BEE.

High Score & Points Today: 666.
Thank god I don't have Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.


Updated by Theodora on 10:42 PM

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Why I'm weird.
1. I adore rock/metal music.
2. I lie about my favorite color to almost everybody. No, really.
3. I adore horror books.
4. Ditto games.
5. Ditto movies, and gore.
6. Men who are at least 4 years older and have loads of tattys and piercings greatly appeal to me.
7. To different people, I fit different stereotypes -a geek, a loner, a prep, a goth, etc. etc.
8. The band name "Audioslave" sounds cool to me, not weird.
9. Nobody really knows who I am. No really, they don't. You think you do, but you'd be kidding yourself.
10. I fancy girls. Certain girls. THERE I'VE SAID IT.
11. I don't know if I'm kidding about 10.
12. Unnatural = beautiful. Eg. plastic surgery, dyed hair, contact lenses.
13. When I'm bored, I write poems/stories/song lyrics.
14. You don't think 13's odd? Guess what. Poems are about pain and disenchantment. Stories all end with death. Song lyrics have dark, underlying meanings.
15. I've got tiny hands and feet. This sucks, 'cause I can't hold onto things properly, and most shoes don't fit me. I've got four or five pairs of shoes I either bought from a children's shop recently, or when I was young. They still fit.
16. My personality for the day ahead depends ENTIRELY on my mood.
17. I have a habit of flapping book pages, often ripping the pages or crumpling them horribly.
18. For fact 17, the only exceptions to this rule are my horror books e.g. Clive Barker's Mr B. Gone and The Living Dead.
19. I'm stuck. Any more?
Updated by Theodora on 9:53 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009
Be Yourself - Audioslave
Audioslave - what you get when you mix Chris Cornell and Tom Morello - an awwwwwwwesome band.
Yeah, I know, I don't really post up full song lyrics, but this one's worth it, believe me.
Someone falls to pieces, sleeping all alone
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the distance, she finally drifts away.
Someone gets excited in a chapel yard, catches a bouquet
Another lays a dozen white roses on a grave.
And to be yourself is all that you can do
Yeah, to be yourself is all that you can do...
Someone finds salvation in everyone, another only pain
Someone tries to hide himself, down inside himself he prays
Someone swears his true love until the end of time
Another runs away
Separate or united, healthy or insane
And to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do...
Even when you've paid enough, been pulled apart or been held up
With every single memory of the good and bad, faces of luck
Don't lose any sleep tonight
I'm sure everything will end up alright
You may win or lose...
But to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do.
Be yourself is all that you can, be yourself is all that you can do.
Stay true.
Updated by Theodora on 9:54 PM

Random tosh.
Because I'm bored as shit, here's the monthly dose of random stuff:

see more Funny Graphs

see more Funny Graphs
Poor Taylor.
But when Beyonce won her award for Best Music Video, she invited Taylor up on stage to make up for Kanye's bitch-fit. Great move, Beyonce. This is why we all love you.
Played (incredibly dirty) floorball today. I don't mean DIRTY, I mean dirty.
To put it another way. What WE played shouldn't be called floorball, 'cause it was a mixture of golf/badminton/soccer. We lost 0-1. Their goal was blocked by four.
Because THIS deserves a huge screen.
Controversy over Kurt Cobain being in GH5. People are arguing over whether it's honoring or making fun of Kurt by putting him in a "stupid game for losers who can't play real guitar". Really, go click on the vid and check out the comments for yourself.
I'm a fan of both Nirvana AND GH5, so I'm gonna say that I believe this is meant to immortalize Kurt.
Other controversy: Courtney Love claims Activision has "ruined" Kurt Cobain's image and she holds firm to her claim that she never allowed Activision to license Kurt's name and character. Activision says that they DID ask the lady, and she signed the agreement. Hmm.
Poor Kurt.
Current favorite.
Most people seem to like my new hair. If I ever bother to put up a photo, you can decide for yourself.
Updated by Theodora on 3:07 PM

Saturday, September 12, 2009
I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind.
Went out with Elfira yesterday for shopping. Bought an ankle band, earrings and a Linkin Park band patch. Went to Lido, was about to get tickets, then got a call from Yoga asking us if we wanted to catch a movie. Phew. Headed to Jurong Point, met up with them, tried to get into a screening for Beth Cooper, failed, got tickets for Aliens in the Attic. Which was hilarious when Ricky was controlled, but not much else. Went to the arcade after the show, played Silent Hill and HOTD4. Guns sucked. Met with Dad and Boo for dinner.
Today, turned on my phone to find that the damned 4 key was stuck - the screen kept displaying the number 4 even though I didn't press it, and when I DID press 4, the key was jammed. Fishcake. Went to a shop to get it fixed, got fleeced (FIFTY FUCKEN BIGS?! YOU'RE SHITTING ME), went home, then went out for a haircut. Relax, it's not short - not THAT short. Just had it layered. Now my fringe keeps poking into my right eye. Dammit.
Tried out GH5, which is seriously AWESOME, way betttttttttttttttttter than GH:M or GH:3 or GH:WT or GH:SH. Get it. NOW.
Her "hello"s are great.
Updated by Theodora on 11:03 PM

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Alllllllright. So, N's (Part 1) has officially ENDED.
I'm now free to enjoy the remainder of my holidays.
Well. I have to say, the N's were surprisingly easy. Maybe not QUITE that easy, but really, I can't figure why I was so panicky about them before. All that worrying for nothing. Pfft.
English papers - walkover. Chinese papers - a pass(?). SS - A 3, I hope.
GH5 is MINE.

Man, I am DYING to get out. Of home. Anybody?
Updated by Theodora on 11:27 AM

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Chinese remedial stuff.
Went to school this morning for Chinese remedial.
Irsyad met us and sat with us, saying he had Malay remedial. His teacher never came, so he disturbed us throughout the lesson.

Yuen How.

Sheryl with her arm draped around Irsyad. (He must've been very happy.)

The miniature terror himself.


Kang Hao and our teacher.