
I'm sitting at the screen, typing a mess, eating a mess, drinking a mess, making a mess and looking like a mess.
Why? I'm ill.
Jesus, I hate this. My stomach hurts even as I'm eating, and this is my first meal of the day. The two packets of white tablets - my medicine - are sitting beside my keyboard right now and practically yelling "HA, LOOK AT US! WE'RE SHOWING YOU WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE FOR GETTING SICK!"
My temperature fluctuates, and ranges anywhere from 37.7 to 38.8 degrees. Christ. Daddy says that when I hit 39 degrees, I have to go to the hospital. FML.
I can't even touch my beloved baby cousin (this doesn't prevent him from trying to touch ME, though), let alone carry and kiss.
Weather looks torn between sunny and rainy.
My bones ache.
Food looks completely unappealing to me now.
Even "Through the Monsoon" is beginning to sound tired.
I'm also quite scared that what I have may be more than just a fever - H1N1, malaria, dengue? Possibilities, possibilities. I think I'd kill myself if I have any of those. At least I won't be able to spread it onto the rest of my family.
I apologize for that depressing rant. I'm just not in the best of moods at the moment. But I suppose I should be grateful for a few things.
People. At least I have my family, relatives, friends and John. :)
Music. Forever The Sickest Kids and All Time Low are awesome.
Body. Although my body hurts, I don't look it. My complexion is surprisingly clear today, albeit a bit pale. My eyes also look much wider. Damn. If only I looked like this everyday.
Weight. I haven't gotten the chance to eat much today, because my stomach doesn't feel up to it. I think I might lose a few pounds during this bout.
School. Thank God it's not a school day today and I can stay at home and slack.
Freedom. Basically I can do anything I want - play, eat, sleep, read - here. I'm just not allowed out, is all.
Alright alright, I'll quit whinging. Here. Since I'm bored, I might as well put up some interesting stuff.

Marilyn Monroe

Perez Hilton

Kanye West/P Diddy?
Lame joke seen on Facebook, by Edmund: How do you annoy Lady Gaga? \
Answer: Poke-her face.

Jailbaits are young girls who tempt men into sex, then report 'em to the police.
You'll never fall for that, you say? Look at these shots of jailbaits before you say that. ;)

Whole list here.

If only our teachers marked like this:

Poor darlings.


Animals first!

Awesome way to get rid of somebody.




Argyle Goolsby (Weird name, I know)

Anthony Kiedis

Michale Graves

Wonders of plastic.
Today, I went to the drug store to pick up some Monistat for a yeast infection. As I was leaving the store, the security alarm went off. The attractive security guard asked to see my receipt, smiled, told me I looked nice, so I handed him the receipt. His face then abruptly changed to a look of disgust. FML
Today, I found one of those online color blindness tests where you have to distinguish a colored number from the pattern. Not being able to, I spent hundreds of dollars on medical tests to discover that the pattern online was a joke. FML
Today, I was fired from my volunteer job. Why? Because they said I was working so hard and doing such a good job that I was making the real staff look bad. FML
Today, I sent out my monthly curriculum list to the parents of the kids in my math class so they can see what their children will be learning. I usually end my e-mails with the phrase 'math is power'. Now, 154 parents got an e-mail saying 'meth is power'. FML
I actually feel much better now. I don't think I have H1N1. But dengue is still a possibility.
Bleeding Billboards.
The Dark Side of Disney.
My favorites:
#2. Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
#6. Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer.
#19.Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
#24. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
#32. How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?
#33. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
#37. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
#39. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
#43. He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
#51. Never hit a man with glasses. Hit him with a baseball bat.
#85. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.
#88. When in doubt, mumble.
Medicinal advice: Trying to stop a cough? Eat a whole box of laxatives. Tomorrow you'll be afraid to cough.

Sorry, I got carried away. Didn't think I'd post up this much. I hope I didn't lag up your PC. =/
Imy. Pssh.
Updated by Theodora on 3:05 PM