KL and Genting trip

Went to KL and Genting last weekend. Photos.

Stayed at The Curve. It was great.




Boo. (Crap, I'm teaching her too many wrong things.)


See the three Lamborghinis? Aren't they gorgeous? When we drove up to KL on Thursday afternoon, these three idio- I mean, people - were racing. They VROOOOOOOOOOMED past us. And when I say VROOOOOOOOOMED, I MEAN VROOOOOOOOOOMED.
And when we got up to Genting on Friday afternoon, we saw the same Lamborghinis parked right outside the hotel we were staying at - Hotel Genting. (I'd bet you anything that the people parked 'em cars OUTSIDE, right OUTSIDE the lobby, on purpose.)
Everyone was taking pictures of the cars. (I'm not kidding.)
So why not me? Heh.
It was a sharp 19 degrees when we arrived, and dropped to 18 the next day. Pretty brisk, yeah?
Didn't go out to the theme park. Just stayed indoors. Went shopping, to the arcades (some sweet guy gave me ALL his tickets, a whole shitload. I say sweet, because he gave the tickets to me out of all the loads of people at the arcades.), ate and went to the cybercafes. Boring, I know.
I adopted a new hairstyle - a bun. Lol.
Everytime I let down my hair, it frizzes up and curls into this mad mess.

Alright, I'm vain. So sue me.

Didn't manage to buy souvenirs though. Sorry guys. =/
Updated by Theodora on 3:53 PM